Last weekend, we took a quick family getaway to the beach before fall schedules take over our lives.
Saturday morning, I saw a man walk off the beach with three large conch shells. He said he found them right there, and he was out there early. I wanted to find one too so I spent most of my time that day at the beach searching for shells. The waves were very rough at the beach due to the incoming storms, so the kids weren't in the water too much. I invited them to find shells with me- I offered a reward to the person that found the largest in tact shell.
Two of my kids asked me if we could be the first ones on the beach the next morning so we would have a better chance of finding the largest shell. The low tide was at 4:15 AM, so they asked if we could get up at 5:15 to head out.
The next morning, I got up at 5:30 AM and to my surprise, the kids were up ready to go to the beach. We headed out to the beach, it was so dark and beautiful. We were the first ones on the beach. I was so fixated on finding a large shell, I kept flashing my light looking for a big object. After 45 minutes of searching, all we had found was a hollowed out decrepit skeleton of a small conch shell and many broken tops.
I actually found myself starting to pray to God that we would find a shell-- then I stopped because I felt ridiculous that I would pray to find a shell. I had built up my kids so much that we would definitely find a shell, since the man the day before had found 3. I was worried they would get frustrated and want to leave, but I secretly enjoyed spending the time with them and we were having fun. Then, I remembered that I heard that no prayer is too large or too small for God. So, I started my prayer over and asked God to help us find a shell, so they could experience its beauty and see that there is so much life outside of their phones.
By this time, there were four other people on the beach, each heading in directions opposite to where we were. We were in an area with lots of debris and had searched it pretty heavily. I finally got frustrated and said "great, those people up ahead are going to find the shells before us." My son said, "Mom why are you so worried about finding a big one, the chances of finding a small one are just the same as finding a big one...what's wrong with a small one?"
Then, he looked down, and goes "see mom look, don't forget about the small things", and picks up a beautiful small, completely intact conch shell, right next to his foot. I couldn't believe it. We had stood in that area searching for several minutes and no sooner do I say my prayer, than this shell should appear.
I do believe God placed this shell at my son's foot. He wanted me to know he is with him, even in my moments of doubt, even in his moments of doubt and weakness. He is with us, I just need to trust.
No prayer is too small or too large.
No prayer is too silly.
The outcome of a situation you pray for may not be obvious until later, sometimes a lot later.
Stop focusing so much on big things.
Stop trying to predict outcomes.
Stop trying to think you know what you're supposed to see or hear.
Stop putting so much pressure on yourself.
Stop worrying.
Start living in the moment.
Start enjoying.
Start appreciating all the small things.
Start opening your eyes.
Start seeing everything, because the one thing you think you're supposed to be looking for may be blocking you from the real treasure.