We always want to be good at stuff.
There are lots of things we are good at.
Being good at stuff is a wave- you are good at different things at different times.
One thing you can be good at all the time is being a good person.
If you just met me, you would not know that I was good at math (when I was in high school and college)- because I'm out of practice now.
If you workout with me at crossfit, you wouldn't know that I'm good at baking or sewing.
My husband used to be good at high jump in high school and college, but meeting him now, would you know?
We find things we enjoy doing and we practice to become good. But, unless people are around us or joining us in that activity, they don't always recognize that we are good at it.
People can always recognize if you are a good person.
Being a good person follows you all.the.time.
You don't have to forget a skill or feel out of practice to be a good person- the reputation stays with you always.
People may not look back and say "Liz, oh yeah, she was on highest honor roll, but they can look back and say 'she was a good person'".
Be a good person to everyone you meet. Maybe they all won't receive it well, but those who need it will.
Find lots of things to be good at, practice them- be good. But don't get so focused on training to be good at stuff that you loose sight of something very important- being a good person.
Hold a door, give a compliment, surprise someone, don't gossip, help out, encourage, use kind words.
Be a good person. It is something you can be all the time no matter what, no matter why, no matter how, no matter where, no matter when.