Growing up, I absolutely hated writing. My goal was to get through school with all A's and a few B's. During my junior year of high school, I got a D in AP English- it shattered me. Literally cried about it.
Heading into college, I hated writing, I did not want any part of it at all so my plan was to only enroll in math and science classes. I also thought I was not good at art- my brothers and sisters were very creative, not me.
Suddenly, 15 years later, I have kids and I don't really do a lot of math or science, and I love to do craft projects and I write a blog. I still do not consider myself a good writer, but I find myself enjoying it more, now that I am not being graded on it.
The things I write about, they just sort of come to me. I do not make a list and then sit and try to write.
A few years ago, when I moved back to the US from Japan, I started going to a church. I had a series of migraines and I wasn't very happy about it. I wrote about it a while ago. Needless to say, I began to worry, especially when my friend, the pastor told me I was being called to do something great.
Have you ever wondered how you are being called to do something or how God talks to you? I used to listen at night and wait for specific instructions to fall into my ears. Well, that isn't really how it happens, at least I don't think so.
I started noticing people in my life and how they guided me to the next things. He was calling me, by placing me in specific situations with specific people to get me where I am today. I never thought I'd be writing on a blog to encourage people to be better, but here I am.
Looking back over the last three years and people I've met, some still friends, some have moved on, who have led me down the path I'm on today.
Oftentimes, I think my words aren't powerful enough, especially after I read another blog and I think how articulate it is or how powerful it was. But, not everyone reads the same blogs I read, not everyone listens to the same people or receives words the same way.
It has been brought to my attention that people look forward to my words and they are being helped, so I'm moving all my motivational posts over to this blog moving forward. I can't promise to write a lot, I only write when I get inspired by a situation, a phrase, a person, etc. The words just sort of come to me when I least expect it- nothing is ever forced.
I used to think I'd be like a broken record, writing the same thing over and over again, that someone else has probably written about. But, as a parent, I know how many times over and over again, I remind my kids to brush their teeth, eat at the table, close the door, etc. Just because we're adults, doesn't need we don't need constant reminders too or we can't benefit from the same message over and over again too.
A few days ago, the Tony Dungy devotional that I read every night ended with the message to encourage others, no matter what, keep encouraging. So that's what I'm going to do, keep encouraging and I hope you will do the same. Even if your voice only reaches one person, that is one person that you have sharpened and your mission was accomplished.